"Unseen Lines" text detail (c) Dianne Bowen
Drawing is like taking a line out for a dance, sometimes it's a heavy metal slam dance, sometimes it's as structured as a waltz, and sometimes it's a virgina reel and I'm just switching hands and partners, pencil, paint, paper, film...

An artist's journey making sense of the world through art, language and conversation.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

thinking out loud

Weather conditions of late have been both influencing my work and mimicking life. Abu - Abu !! I cry out internal voice straining. Push through, never give up keep going. My body strains to keep up with my mind. I went to see the Matisse cut outs and stained glass piece he created for the chapel in Vence. It wasn't just his work I wanted to see but I wanted the experience of being around the work with the knowledge of his illness during that time. It takes a brass set to keep ones self intact during such an assault on the body. Now really understanding the depth of it I can pull inspiration without falling into it. Use what is needed and let go the rest. And so it goes I tell myself every morning as the sun rises warming my face. So I see we're here again are we? Then let's get to it and see what the day brings. And so goes, and so it goes, and so it goes.

Back to my love of papers and films, while working on the large outdoor piece which is fortunately within walking distance I work as I enjoy most, multiple pieces simultaneously. It's how I view drawing really, my process is the same. Original books and book sculptures have been on mind. Re-visiting works to help move forward. A friend gave me her old blue copy paper she had been using for years to transfer drawings from paper to paper. Her work has fluid full round lines which I've always loved. An unexpected kind of collaboration, appropriation one might say? I decided to mulch the paper recycling it into a hand made paper to create a sculpture. The pieces are small, table top size really, intimate in scale. From micro to macro I go again in thought and scale now.

Drawing is like taking a line out for a dance, sometimes it's a heavy metal slam dance, sometimes it's as slow structured as a waltz, and sometimes it's a virgina reel and I'm just switching hands and partners, pencil, paint, paper, wood...

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