"Unseen Lines" text detail (c) Dianne Bowen
Drawing is like taking a line out for a dance, sometimes it's a heavy metal slam dance, sometimes it's as structured as a waltz, and sometimes it's a virgina reel and I'm just switching hands and partners, pencil, paint, paper, film...

An artist's journey making sense of the world through art, language and conversation.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

December 20, 2014

The outdoor interactive drawing is going really well. I visit at various times of the day to observe the changes. The cold affects my ability to do work for any length of time. I've finally made the first videos to document the piece at night. It's quite beautiful in a haunting way. The hues of blue are incredible. The shadows and movement in sync are fascinating to me. I am the observer.
I've also caught close ups of several elements on their own. 

Below is the link to the night video in full.

"Wild Is The Air", 2014

Detail of Metal element.

"Wild is the Air", detail metal element

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