"Unseen Lines" text detail (c) Dianne Bowen
Drawing is like taking a line out for a dance, sometimes it's a heavy metal slam dance, sometimes it's as structured as a waltz, and sometimes it's a virgina reel and I'm just switching hands and partners, pencil, paint, paper, film...

An artist's journey making sense of the world through art, language and conversation.

Monday, November 24, 2014

November 22, 2014 I had several of my cellular pieces included a show "The Right Amount of Wrong", curated by Lovina Purple at the ISE Cultural Foundation, 555 Broadway, near Prince Street in Soho, New York. The show closes on December 19th so if you're in New York City I hope you can drop by. The most repeated quote at the opening I heard, "This is a really strong show, best I've seen in awhile including Chelsea". Not to be biased but I'd agree. Lovina did an fantastic job, all the work was really strong and as we spoke during the artists talk it became more clear the many ways the artists were conversing. From materials, concepts, color, technique the room was a lively conversation indeed.

"Cellular Secrets Popping Sound", 2012 (c) Dianne Bowen with associated note poem oils, pigments, china marker, light fast wax pencil pigment sticks on canvas

"Deep Sound II", 2012 (c) Dianne Bowen, pigments, oil, oil stick, china marker on canvas

"Red Is A Hunger", 2008, (c) Dianne Bowen, pigments, copper pigment, recycled tire treads, guitar wire, coriander seed, light fast pencils, cut outs archival pen on paper,associated poem; Red is a hunger, licks it's lips, curls a smile

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